Berkshire Historic Environment Forum 2012

Berkshire Historic Environment Forum meeting 2012

Timber framed buildings
How do we recognise them?
What were they for?
Who lived and worked in them?
How do we protect them?

Saturday 6th October 2012
The Cornerstone, Norreys Avenue, Wokingham


10:00 arrivals

10:15 Opening the meeting: Councillor Bob Wyatt, Mayor Wokingham Borough Council

10:20 Welcome John Chapman

10:30 Introduction to Timber Framed Buildings Trevor Ottlewski

11:15 Coffee

11:45 Introduction to Timber Framed Buildings part 2 Trevor Ottlewski

12:15 Lunch in Wokingham

13:30 Dendrochronology Andy Moir, Tree-Ring Services

14:00 The history of a timber framed house Catherine Petts,
Berkshire Archaeological Society

14:30 Tea

15:00 Moving a timber framed building John Chapman, Project Purley

15:30 Local listing in West Berkshire Antony Pick, West Berkshire Heritage Forum

16:00 Conclusions

16:15 End


The forum is running three projects.

The Berkshire heritage web sites project
The objectives of this project are:
• To capture images, describe them and make them available as searchable electronic documents on the internet
• To pin suitable images on to Google Street to where they relate with a few words of explanation
• To establish links between websites which display information about Berkshire’s local heritage
To check that we have a link to your website go to our links page .

The Berkshire war memorials project
The objective of this project is to establish an inventory of local war memorials and the many individuals whose names appear on them. Click here for more details of the project and an assessment of the work to date

Heritage walks in and around Berkshire project
The objective of this project is to establish an inventory of heritage walks available to the public in and around Berkshire.