150 finds for BAS150

To celebrate BAS 150, Phil Smithers, Finds Liaison Officer (FLO) for Berkshire came up with a list of 150 finds from 150 places in Berkshire. These were published in batches of 4 each week from March to November 2021.

If you want to know more about the Portable Antiquities Scheme in Berkshire, Phil can be contacted at philip.smither1(at)westberks.gov.uk.  He also has a weekly finds blog which can be found through the PAS county page for Berkshire, https://finds.org.uk/counties/berkshire/team/.

For security we are not publishing email addresses as direct links. Please re-type substituting the @ symbol for (at)

Click on the images below to link to the PAS website entry for each item

150CORN-D78C78: Type Unterstall or Poiseul razor
149BERK-51DFE3: Harness pendant
148SUR-5BA6C7: Post medieval coin: Guinea of William III
147SUR-259CA0: Iron age coin: Stater
146SUR-7BCE5E: Post medieval: Button
145SUR-7A7B71: Post medieval coin: Russian coin
144SUR-F98205: Medieval: Silver annular buckle
143HAMP-4D2045: Medieval coin: Halfgroat of Edward III
142BERK-31A327: Roman coin: Nummus of Constantine
141SUR-040430: Post medieval: Trade token
140BERK-52DE54: Roman coin
139BERK-6A24E6: Shot collection
138BERK-6C2AB7: The flange of a Roman roof tile - tegula.
137HAMP3430: Barrel PADLOCK
136BERK-A92065: Iron Age coin hoard: Ambiani stater, coin 3
135BUC-AEC894: Medieval jetton from Tournai
134OXON-536F7E: Neolithic pick: Pick
133SUR-E41EB7: Post medieval: Token of Pidcock's Menagerie
132BERK-FA5F35: Post Medieval silver seal matrix
131BERK-AC1D73: Palaeolithick handaxe
129SUR-DF424E: Post medieval: Military button
128SUR-F7B8B0: Post medieval: Russian bale seal
127SUR-AAA884: Palaeolithic: Handaxe
126HAMP-524101: Medieval coin: Irish penny of Edward I
125BERK-D1E2C2: Mesolithic tranchet axehead: Tranchet adze or pick
124OXON-E5DD6A: Roman vessel: Copper alloy globular urn
123SUR-851CC8: Neolithic: Polished flint axe
122SUR-781A4D: Palaeolithic: Handaxe
121BERK-058995: Bradfield: Middle Bronze Age rapier
120BERK-A5FFE5: Treasure case 2009 T755, Middle Bronze Age gold ormament from 'Windsor area', Berkshire
119SUR-E005D7: Roman: Dolphin brooch
118SUR-5A9F73: Bronze Age: Spearhead
117SUR-720B6D: Medieval coin: Cut Halfpenny of Henry II
116BERK-1994EC: Lithic Implement?
115SUR-3212C4: Post medieval: Cannon shot
114KENT-F1AF54: Flat Axehead
113BERK-2D5B8D: Iron Age coin: Silver unit of Tincomarus
112BUC-90AA95: Medieval token
111SUR-1513E3: Early medieval: Strap end
110SUR-010D6E: Post medieval: Sword belt fitting
109SUR-12FED2: Medieval: Buckle
108SUR-AB1084: Post medieval: Animal bells
107SUR-EE1018: Post medieval coin: Farthing of Charles II
106BERK-7132E1: Roman coin: radiate
105SUR-84DF6A: Figurine of Mars
104SUR-778FA6: Post medieval: Clay tobacco pipe stem
103SUR-B7F096: Medieval: Steelyard weight
102SUR-B8FC02: Roman coin: Nummus of the House of Valentinian
101SUR-8312D7: Medieval: Harness pendant
99BERK-A53995: Hadrian - reverse.
98SUR-8FE890: Post medieval coin: Shillings of William III
97SUR-040430: Post medieval: Trade token
95BUC-19B782: Roman coin: denarius of Septimius Severus
94OXON-C1DB32: Post-medieval coin: Commonwealth penny
93YORYM-3283D7: Harness pendant
92BUC-5FCC31: Early Medieval coin: Penny of Offa
91SUR-846381: Post medieval coin: Threepence of Charles II
90SUR-0275D8: Roman: Harness pendant
89SUR-584F19: Post medieval: Banbury token
88SUR-1475A4: Neolithic: Worked flint
87SUR-FF8624: Neolithic: Flint scraper
86BERK-0F6C58: Stirrup terminal
85SUR-8FE890: Post medieval coin: Shillings of William III
84LON-C8CE96: A Medieval gold iconographic finger ring. depicting St Catherine (15th century). 2008T269
83Hoard (no image)
82SUR-D11B27: Post medieval: Seal or stamp
81SUR-480378: Medieval: Ampulla
79SUR-73FF19: Medieval coin: Quarter noble of Edward III
78BERK-2506B0: Combe: Elizabeth I sixpence
76WILT-71BE67: Medieval finger ring bezel
75BERK-F26083: A copper alloy French Jetton of Charles VII or Charles VIII
74SUR-FC5FF2: Post medieval: Gaming token
73OXON-86C836: Post-medieval token: London trade token
72BERK-2B82C7: Strap fitting - copper alloy strap fitting in the shape of a Tudor rose
72BERK-BDEEA8: Iron Age gold stater: Chute type of the Southern Region / Belgae,
71BUC-3D8F07: Medieval Harness pendant
70BERK-6EAC60: Medieval silver penny of Edward I or II
69LON-50D022: An incomplete Medieval cast copper alloy composite book clasp, 1350-1450 AD
68BERK-9343A6: Iron Age brooch: 'Vale' brooch
67SUR-04A1E0: 04/113 Neolithic axe
66SUR-DB34E7: 04/410 Coin weight
65FASW-948D00: Equal-armed brooch
64BERK-F0AAEE: Roman Follis
63BERK-FDC4A6: Medieval mirror case
62SUR-F7B8B0: Post medieval: Russian bale seal
61SUR-301C15: Post medieval coin: Gunmoney shilling of James II
59SUR-B5E091: Post medieval: Silver hooked tag
58This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is ring.jpg
57BH-DC556D: Medieval coin: penny of John of England
56SUR-8F655D: Iron Age Coin: Quarter stater of Verica
55SUR-096202: Post medieval: Silver-gilt pin
54A resized image of Roman coin: Solidus of Theodosius I
53A resized image of Neolithic: Knife
52This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is x214AbPeterSpencer6619.jpg.pagespeed.ic_.z07sIM5KR2.jpg
51A resized image of Post medieval: Trade weight
50A resized image of Post medieval: Medallion fo William and Mary
49A resized image of
47BERK-EF232D: Medieval pendant: AGLA pendant
46A resized image of Early Medieval balance
45BERK-315166: Medieval coin: Soldino of Doge Michele Steno
44A resized image of Roman coin/ token : possibly a dupondius of Domitian
43A resized image of Post medieval coin: Shilling of Charles I
42A resized image of Medieval coin: Soldino of either Doge Nicolo Tron (AD 1466-1473) or Nicolo Marcello
41A resized image of Medieval coin: Penny of Edward I or II
40BERK-375356: Roman finger ring: Gold finger ring
39A resized image of Roman coin: Radiate of Caracalla
38BERK-DD80F1: Prehistoric flint flake.
37A resized image of Roman coin: nummus of Constantine I
36A resized image of Medieval coin: Groat of Henry VI
35A resized image of Roman: Polden Hill brooch
34A resized image of Post Medieval dress hook
33A resized image of Roman coin: Denarius of Carausius
32A resized image of Late Bronze Age hoard.
31A resized image of Mesolithic or neolithic: Truncated blade
30A resized image of Iron Age coin: Contemporary copy
29A resized image of A cast lead Pilgrim Ampullae
28A resized image of Medieval coin: Penny of Henry I
27A resized image of
26A resized image of Mesolithic: Crested flake with notch
25A resized image of Post-Medieval gold finger-ring
24A resized image of Neolithic Flint Serrated Implement
23A resized image of Medieval coin: Penny of Henry I
22A resized image of Post medieval sliver cuff link element
21A resized image of Medieval Tournai jetton
20A resized image of Mesolithic: Struck flint
19A resized image of Early-medieval coin: Penny of Edward the Confessor
18KENT-6D29C9: Gold Fede type posie
17A resized image of Post medieval: Button of the Twickenham Volunteers
16SUR-38F683: Iron Age coin: Quarter stater
15OXON-4AEA32: Post Medieval coin: Irish farthing of James I
14SUR-B7C7F9: Post medieval: Coin weight of James I
13A resized image of Roman coin/ token : possibly a dupondius of Domitian
12A resized image of Bronze Age: Flat axe
11BERK-2CB3A9: Roman brooch: La Tene I
10A resized image of Post medieval: Military Button
9BERK-B1F4BB: Bronze Age Palstave: Palstave
8A resized image of Iron Age figurine: Anthropomorphic figurine
7A resized image of Post medieval: Gold posy ring
6A resized image of Post medieval: toy cannon
5A resized image of Palaeolithic: Handaxe
4A resized image of Post medieval coin: Sixpence of Elizabeth I
3A resized image of 04/410 Coin weight
1A resized image of Medieval harness pendant