- Policy for publishing BAS grey reports on the Society’s web site
Study Group has been writing documents describing Roman settlements in areas of the Berkshire Region, while the Fieldwork Group has been writing fieldwork proposals and reports. This policy proposes that the Society’s working groups should publish their reports either as grey reports the Society’s website or as articles in the Berkshire Archaeological Journal.
The full policy can be downloaded here
The law on data protection is changing and organisations like BAS will require specific consents from members as to the ways in which we contact you. This is to ensure your personal data held by the Society is protected.
As a member of BAS you will receive the quarterly newsletter and the Journal when published (after a qualifying period of membership). You will also receive information about matters directly related to your membership, such as the notice of the AGM (normally published in the Summer newsletter) and subscription renewal notices. You have already specified on your joining/renewal form whether these items should be sent by email or by post (though the Journal is always delivered to members as a hard copy), but we need you to confirm this.
For other communications now sent by email such as the monthly news sheet, notices of meetings, information about other groups, invitations to join BAS activities etc we MUST have your specific consent for us to be able to continue sending them by email.
A Communication Consent Form is available on the link below. Every member is asked to fill it in and return it to the secretary, by post or email. If consents are not received then communication with you will be restricted to the specific membership related items as listed above. You may change your preferences at any time by contacting me.
The BAS Data Protection and Privacy Policy will be reviewed and updated regularly. If you need a printed copy please ask the secretary.