Events Programme (old)


Saturday 29th June 2019 BAS visit to Silchester 2:30pm – meet in car park at 2pm

Monday 1st July BAS visit to Highwood 10:30am at The Bottle & Glass

BAS Study Group  –  no meetings in July & August
Saturday 21st September 2019 BAS Lecture: TBC
Saturday 19th October 2019 BAS Lecture: Mesolithic-Neolithic histories in the Colne Valley: narrating an everyday landscape by Samantha Brummage
Saturday 16th November 2019 BAS Lecture: Boxford byDr Steve Clark
Saturday 14th December 2019 BAS Members Talks 


Saturday 18th January 2020  BAS Lecture: Bluestones and white bones: the origins of the people buried at Stonehenge by Dr Rick Schulting
Saturday 15th February 2020 BAS Lecture: The material culture of English medieval rural households by Dr Ben Jervis
Saturday 21st March 2020 BAS Lecture: Archaeological Palaeoenvironmental Archives: challenges and potential by Paul Flintoft
Saturday 18th April 2020 BAS Lecture: Beacons of the Past and LiDAR: shining new light on the Iron Age landscapes of the Chilterns by Dr Ed Peveler

 Berkshire Archaeological Society’s Monthly Saturday afternoon talks held at 2.00 pm for 2.30 pm at The RISC Centre, London Street. Reading, RG1 4PS. (01189 586692)

Google map reference 

Past events archive