Welcome to BAS 150

As we move into 2021 The Berkshire Archaeological Society reaches its 150th anniversary.  This is a remarkable achievement for any organisation let alone a voluntary society like ours.  

The Society was founded in 1871 as ‘The Berkshire Archaeological and Architectural Society’.  As the Society’s exhibition due to tour later this year, ‘The Berkshire Archaeological Society: 150 years of contributing to Berkshire’s archaeology’ will show during that time the Society has made a tremendous contribution to archaeology in Berkshire not only through its excavations but also through compiling records of historic monuments throughout the county, campaigning for the establishment of a county records office, now ‘The Berkshire Record Office’ and so much more.

Today the Society continues to thrive through research work, geophysics surveys, excavations, report writing and publishing, production and publication of ‘The Berkshire Archaeological Journal’, social events, visits, an annual lecture series, an annual conference reviewing recent archaeological discoveries in Berkshire (known as ‘Day School’), outreach work in schools and at local events.

With the advent of the vaccine against Covid-19, the Society can hopefully look forward to the return of visits, social events and outreach work in the summer, a celebratory garden party in June, a conference (Day School) in October and a dinner in November.

Alison McQuitty and Maggie Smith, Co-chairs