Category Archives: Upcoming Event

Tuesday 4th February 2025 7:30pm – BAS Finds Group

The agenda for this meeting is:

  1. Finds: milestones from Trench to Report:  This gives us templates for how we handle bulk and special finds irrespective of material type.  
    There are 26 bulk finds milestones and 20 milestones for special finds
  1. The Blounts Court finds milestones:   This is a review of the complete set of Blounts Court milestones so we can see where we are, what needs to be done and how we plan to move forward
  1. Agree working methods and dates for Blounts Court finds work
  1. Practical work labelling finds

Please note that the meeting fee is £3 per head

Committee Room, Woosehill Community Centre, Emmview Cl, Wokingham RG41 3DA. Starting 19:30 and ending 21:30. There is ample parking alongside the Community Centre and in the adjacent Morrisons supermarket car park.

Anyone else wishing to join should contact Andrew Hutt on andrew_hutt(at)

For security we are not publishing email addresses as direct links. Please re-type substituting the @ symbol for (at)

Wednesday 5th February 2025 2:30pm – BAS Study Group

The agenda for this meeting is:

Recording an excavation: a review of all the documents used to record an excavation, how they are to be put in binders on site and where scanned images of the documents are to be held in the shared filestore

Anchurus II design: a review of the system that we will be using to record the Wickham Excavation in 2025

All welcome.

Committee Room, Woosehill Community Centre, Emmview Cl, Wokingham RG41 3DA and on Zoom. Starting 14:30 and ending 16:30. Room open from 14:15 – not before.

There is ample parking alongside the Community Centre and in the adjacent Morrisons supermarket car park.

Please note that the meeting fee is £3 per head

This meeting will also be conducted on Zoom. Regular participants will receive an email with login details. Anyone else wishing to join should contact Andrew Hutt on andrew_hutt(at)

For security we are not publishing email addresses as direct links. Please re-type substituting the @ symbol for (at)

Saturday 15th February 2025 – BAS Lecture: Roman Copper Alloys

From Constantinople to Berkshire. Linking Roman copper-alloys across the empire through new chemical analysis at the University of Reading

By Dr. Peter Bray, University of Reading

The REMADE project is a seven year UKRI project hosted by the University of Reading (Roman and Medieval Alloys Defined). It brings together chemists, archaeologists, curators and the public to create a new framework for understanding Roman metallurgy across the UK. Key questions include investigating how copper-alloys were used, valued, and recycled, and how they were moved across the empire. This talk particularly highlights REMADE’s collaboration with Lindsey Bedford, who generously gave us permission to sample several hundred of her finds from Beedon, West Berkshire. This has allowed new insights into the later Roman economy, and how Berkshire was connected to the wider Roman world.

REMADE is headed by Peter Bray, UKRI Future Leaders Fellow, University of Reading. After studying and working at the University of Oxford, Peter moved to Reading in 2019. He has supported the Reading – British Museum collaboration, set up new analytical laboratories, and teaches on ancient materials. He is the current Archaeological Science lead for the Department of Archaeology. REMADE is working with over 14 heritage organisations across the country, please find further information at 

2.00 pm for 2.30 pm at the RISC Centre, London Street, Reading RG1 4PS and from 2:15 on Zoom

Google map reference